What is New Life All About?
New Life Baptist Ministries is a life changing ministry impacting the community and strengthening the Spirit of man through the Word of God.
Under the Leadership of Dr. Craig Tatum, Senior Pastor, New Life Baptist Ministries strives to equip and empower members to serve God and the community. As New Life grows in its faith and service to God, Dr. Tatum envisions saving souls and transforming the lives of the community. New Lifes passion for the community is evident in the many programs and services we offer and participate in with other community groups.
Worship Experience Opportunities
Due to the Global Pandemic impacting our society right now, New Life Baptist Ministries is only offering In-Person gathering for our Worship Services. All other services (Including Worship Services) can be viewed virtually on our global platforms at the following times:
9:30AM EST - Life Development
11:00AM EST - Live Worship Experience
6:00PM EST - Midweek Push Bible Study
12:00 Noon EST - Corporate Prayer Hour
Virtual Viewing Opportunities
All services can be viewed on our many social media platforms such as Facebook. Twitch, Twitter, and Youtube. Simply enter the name: New Life Baptist Ministries.
All New Life Baptist Ministries services are held at out Campus location at 1401 Janes Avenue Saginaw, Michigan 48601
Common Questions
-Angel Care Nursery is designed to care for babies 6 months to 2 years of age. Our CPR certified care givers care for toddlers while you are attending our church services.
-"TOT SPOT" ministers to kids ages 3 to 5 years of age through age-appropriate music, arts, and biblical programming to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-Kids For Christ (KFC) is a program designed for youth ages 6-12. This ministry uses role playing, games, arts & crafts, and a multitude of methods to convey the Gospel Message.
-VIBE is a ministry for youth ages 13- 18 years of age. This ministry trains, teaches, and empowers youth through a myriad of programming, volunteer/community services, peer engagement, and much more. Each programming is designed to help them know God, and understand their purpose & role in society.
-During our worship services, Dr. Tatum or a designated person will extend the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and become a member. That will be the time to leave your seat and proceed to the front of the sanctuary. There, a member of the Mentoring Ministry will gather information from you, pray with you, and share dates for our New Members class.
-If you intend to join New Life prior to the service, you can communicate that to a New Life Ministry Leader (Deacon, Host, etc.).
What to expect
When you arrive on our campus, you'll see and feel genuine love from people. During the worship experiences, we encourage individuals to participate through singing, prayers, and response to the Word. Each of our worship experiences includes energetic and engaging music. We treat our campus as a hospital for everyone to come and get a daily dose of the word to get us through the week. We are a support system and beacon of light for everyone.
Get connected
New Life Baptist Ministries services and events can be view on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, and Youtube. You can always check our website, www.newlifelcm.com, and contact our office 989-753-1151 for updates on events and happenings. A Newsletter is in the works to send monthly updates about the happenings of our church.