"Ways to Support & Give to New Life Baptist Ministries"
"Give, and it will be given to you.... For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you" Luke 6:38

Via Service
Via Online
Via Kiosk
via Mail
Via Givelify
Drop your offering in the box during
our Worship Experiences.
(Offering Envelopes are highly adivsed)
Please make checks out to New Life Baptist Ministries
Giving online is a simple and secure way to give your tithes and offerings from the privacy of your home. You can choose to give a one-time gift or set up a reocurring gift.
The Giving Kiosk offers you a quick and secure way to give. Stop by our Giving Kiosk the next time you are at the New Life Campus. The Kiosk is located in the foyer of the Sanctuary.
Mail a check made out to:
New Life Baptist Ministries
1401 Janes St.
Saginaw, MI. 48601
Be sure to write “Tithe, Offering, etc” in the memo line.